Can I return an item purchased?

If you need to return an unopened/undamaged item purchased directly from this site, we’re happy to accept it back within 30 days of purchase. If you purchased elsewhere, please work with the place of purchase. You will be subject to their return policy. In order to be eligible for a full refund, the item(s) must be new (unused/uninstalled), in the package, with all packaging completely intact, as it arrived. If we’ve made a mistake, please let us know immediately upon arrival of your order so we can take care of it quickly.

I received a damaged item. What are the next steps?

If you believe you received an incorrect, misrepresented, or defective item we do our best to process your refund swiftly.

Please fill out the form below, select the proper reason for return, and watch for an email with further instructions.

Are Bold RC products protected under a warranty?

Unless otherwise stated in your instruction manual, Bold RC products are warranted against manufacturing defects in workmanship and materials upon purchase.

How do I make a warranty claim?

Warranty claims require that a copy of your original receipt is provided. When uploading your receipt, please be sure the following information is visible: Name of place of purchase, date of purchase, the item or SKU number and/or product description, and price. Product purchased from unauthorized dealers, or purchased second-hand are not covered under warranty. Maximum file size is 10MB - please resize before uploading, if necessary.

Items eligible for warranty will be repaired or replaced, at our discretion.